Distinguished Scholarships
Enhance Your Education
Challenge yourself by pursuing a prestigious
national scholarship to fund your studies and
make the world better. We’re here to help!
Distinguished Scholarships
Enhance Your Education
Challenge yourself by pursuing a prestigious national scholarship to fund your studies and make the world better. We’re here to help!

Distinguished Scholarships Program

About Distinguished Scholarships

Prepare to Change the World!

Explore Distinguished Scholarships:

Boren / Fulbright / Gates Cambridge / Gilman / Goldwater / Hollings / Marshall / Mitchell / NSF GRFP(tooltip: NSF GRFP|National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program) / Pickering / Rhodes / Schwarzman / Truman / Udall

Distinguished Scholars Gallery

A view of the entire Distinguished Scholars Gallery as you enter the room in the Compton Union Building.

Gain inspiration in a public space in the CUB that recognizes the scholarly achievements of WSU students and alumni who have received prestigious national awards.

We will help you set your sights on a distinguished scholarship. Our program will provide you with mentoring by professional staff who partner with campus experts to guide students in the preparation and application process for national distinguished scholarships.

Learn more about the Distinguished Scholarships Program. »

WSU Faculty and Staff:

Latest News: What We and Our Students Have Accomplished

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