Our inaugural Celebrate Distinguished Scholars event was a ceremony to dedicate the WSU Distinguished Scholars Gallery, which was created to honor recent and past WSU recipients of prestigious, nationally competitive scholarships. WSU Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education Mary F. Wack gave welcoming remarks. WSU Provost and Executive Vice President Daniel J. Bernardo formally recognized the WSU Distinguished Scholars who were in attendance and presented each with a special commemorative pin. W. Frank Gilmore, President of the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation, delivered a guest address on how the combination of creativity, imagination, and analytical thinking leads to the most effective forms of education. Student reporter Madison Callan covered the event for the Daily Evergreen, and her resultant article builds from a recounting of the event into an insightful exploration of the deeper purpose behind the Gallery itself.
Permanently located in the Compton Union Building, the Gallery is designed to increase student awareness of, and inspiration from, the achievements of the esteemed Distinguished Scholars of WSU. Each panel of the Gallery provides a brief background on a specific scholarship and lists the WSU students and alumni who have received it. Through this approach, the Gallery not only celebrates the accomplishments of WSU’s previous award recipients, but also informs the student body of these prestigious opportunities which are available to them.
Recap of Event Details
Date Event Was Held: Friday, October 3, 2014
Time: 3:30-5:30 p.m. | Location: CUB ground floor